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Yoga for Pregnancy


Pregnancy exercise

It is well known  that yoga is an exercise recommended at all stages of life. However, during pregnancy, is particularly healthy. I have tested the benefits of yoga before, during and after pregnancy and its effects are felt at every stage. Absolutely, I have become an enthusiastic supporter of this beneficial practice.

Before being, is ideal for strengthening muscles and prepare the body for major changes that will take over the next nine months. If we are in good physical condition before becoming pregnant, the recovery of muscles after delivery will be much faster.

During pregnancy, it is clear that we will have to lower the intensity of practice, we should not force movements or imposed on the maximum. There are some asanas (postures) that we can not perform for reasons obvious: a drum that does not leave us too broad movements.

position of the exercise helps prepare your body for childbirth,

which will have more flexibility. The control of breathing, so important in yoga, it helps us relax at that time.

Some of the benefits that yoga gives you are stimulating the glands that control the production of hormones, increased blood flow and improved circulation. It also helps mitigate the problems of sleep and insomnia, massage internal organs, without the feeling of wellbeing and positive attitude towards life that promotes.

One important caveat: if you have been practicing yoga for a while before you got pregnant, you can continue with a slight routine in the first quarter. On the other hand, if they had not done so before, should start from the second quarter. Never other is talk to your doctor and ask their approval.

Inspired to try it, sure you join the club of the fan.


Contact your Gynaecologist on Drjalpavyas@yahoo.com